Some things just need to be said...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Blogging version - Wittenburg Church notice

Following up on my post on the Christian Right being deemed a Hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, fellow blogger, Mike at Rational Reasons pointed me to this bit of information on the web...

Philosopher Peter Ludlow (Michigan) writes:...

Here's something you may not have known or suspected. When I grew up my family went to a conservative Christian church and I subsequently went to a Swedish Baptist college in Minnesota. I recently went back to my home town and was sickened by what became of the family church over the last 20 years. The received view is that the conservative christians have taken over the Republican Party. I think the reverse happened. The right wing of the Republican Party has taken over the church. Nothing could be more clear to me.

In a fit of revulsion, and with a nod to Marty Luther, I wrote up the following 95 theses on the relighous right: Download ludlows_95_theses_on_the_religious_right.doc .

In lieu of nailing it to the door of the Wittenburg Church I'm sending it to you instead. Not exactly the same thing, I realize. I'm not saying I'm a believer and I'm not saying I'm not, but I am saying that what has happened to the fundamentalist church is revolting.

In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

1. Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, when He said "love thy neighbor", willed that believers should show *compassion* toward others.

2. This word cannot be understood to mean mere lip service ("I love them, but I hate their sin"), but genuine concern for the welfare of others.

3. Yet the Religious Right has forsaken compassion for a doctrine of institutionalized hatred and violence....

more here...

For more information on social conservatives, Stephen Harper, gay, same-sex or equal marriage, James Dobson, gay rights, evangelicals, Focus on the Family, Bishop Henry, The Pope, use the technorati search box in the side bar here and at Queer Thoughts.

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