Some things just need to be said...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Conservative spokesperson says no position on gay marriage

Richard Bell a Conservative Party spokesperson says Stephen Harper's party "doesn't have a stance for, or against, same-sex marriage."

"All that Stephen Harper has promised is that the House of Commons will have a free vote on the issue," Bell told CBC and posted on

Elsie Wayne says she is surprised by Bell's comments. She said the party has a position on same-sex marriage. "Our position is that marriage is between a man and a woman," she said. "I don't know where Richard Bell's coming from."

Bell was commenting on the Conservative party position after Elise Wayne, Atlantic Co-Chair of Vote Marriage Canada was quoted saying, "the (Conservative) party shared her views. She added gays shouldn't have the right to marry, and that they "choose" to live that lifestyle.
"God does not endorse that and we do not. You have to straighten people out."

Its news to me that they don't have a policy. Elise Wayne is right in affirming the Conservative Party has a position on gay marriage. The party voted at it's convention 74% in favour of traditional marriage.

I suggest Richard Bell look at this again. maybe all the duct tape issued by the central campaign to Conservative candidates has led him to forget.

These are just a few of them he should talk to, there's plenty more David Sweet, David Chatters, Darrel Reid, Art Hanger, Cindy Silver, and Rob Anders .

For more on Stephen Harper and the Conservative party use the technorati search box in the side bar here and at Queer Thoughts.

, , , , , , , , , Election,

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